From a universal database of over two million fully researched businesses we can select your quality data by company size, geographical location, industry sector and the job function of the decision maker in order to help you to target your preferred market place and maximise the ROI from your campaign. This data is supplied as a secure spreadsheet file that can be easily incorporated into your existing database for your own telemarketing, email and direct mail marketing campaigns. All the data has been checked with the telephone & mailing preference services and the following information is supplied:
I.T. & Telecoms Dealers, Distributors, Software Houses, Event Management Software, Systems Integrators, Retailers, Hardware Maintainers etc...
Advertising Agencies, Sales Agencies, Event Agencies, Marketing Agencies, Designers, Direct Mail, PR, Consultants, Market Research, Film Makers, Telemarketing etc...
Local, District, County Councils, M.O.D. etc...
Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Medical Practices, Dentists, Vets, Hospices, Opticians, Mental Health etc...
Food, Drink & Tobacco, Textiles & Clothing, Footwear, Timber & Wood Products, Paper & Paper products, Rubber & Plastics etc..
Banking & Financial Institutions, Insurance Services, Stock Brokers, Building Societies etc...
Schools, Further & Higher Education, General & Vocational Training, Driving Schools, Drama Schools etc...
Construction & Demolition, Civil Engineering, Shop Fitters, Painters & Decorators, Stone Masons, Double Glazing Installers, Property Developers, Machinery and Equipment Hire Companies, Scaffolding Companies, Groundworks, Cable and Electrical Product Installers, Thatchers, Land Reclaimers etc..
Garages providing repair services, Vehicle Hire, Transport Associations i.e. The AA, Green Flag etc...
Printers, Secretarial Services, Office Cleaners, Business Services, Recruitment Agencies, Hire of Office Machinery, Reprographics, Microfilming etc...
Solicitors/Legal Services, Accountants, Auditors, Architects/Surveyors, Trade Unions, Enterprise Agencies, Estate Agents etc...
Manufacturers using Metal to produce a final product, Mechanical Engineers, Electrical & Electronic Engineers, Motor Vehicles & Parts, Transport Equipment, Instrument Manufacturers etc...
All retail outlets including petrol forecourts etc...
Wholesalers and Distributors of all products, Motor Salvage Companies, Steel Stockholders, Builders Merchants, Milk Floats/Rounds, Importers and Exporters, Warehousing for large organisations e.g. Argos, M & S, Sainsbury’s etc..
Eating Places, Pubs and Clubs, Hotels and Accommodation, Theme Parks, Cinemas, Theatres, Sports Centres, Training Centres, Conference Centres, Venues, Stadiums, Travel, Destinations, Museums, Tourism Bureaus, Racecourses, Amusement Parks, Arena, Meeting Centres Exhibition Centres etc...
Personal Hire, Security, Laundries, Hairdressers, Hire of Heating & Ventilation equipment, Funeral Services, Interior Designers, Cat & Dog Kennels, Photographic Laboratories, Locksmiths, Furniture Removal Companies etc...
Pharmaceuticals, Explosives, Essential Oils, Toiletries, Rubber, Fertilisers, Organic Chemicals, Paint, Powder Coating etc...
Railways, Passenger Transport, Road Haulage, Sea Transport, Air Transport (including Chartered Flights), Courier Services, Postal Transport, Taxi Firms, Ship Brokers, Freight Forwarders etc..
Publishers, Radio, Television, Film Production, Directory Production i.e. Yellow Pages, Thompson Directories, Journalism, Recording Studios, Type Setters etc...
Gas, Electricity, Other Forms of Energy, Coal Extraction, Manufacture of Solid Fuels, Extraction of Minerals, Oils & Natural Gases, Quarries, Asbestos, Stone Works etc..
Water, Tourist Information, Libraries, Job Centres, Justice Departments & Prisons, Police, Fire, Ambulance, Sanitary Services, Sewage Disposal, Housing Associations, Royal Mail/Post Offices etc..
Non Profit Making Organisations etc...
Agriculture & Horticulture, Forestry, Fishing, Dairies, Tree Surgeons etc
Any other Company/organisation that cannot be coded in any of the above 23 industry codes.