30 Years

Event Agency Prospect

A TOTALLY UPDATED DATABASE OF APPROXIMATELY 1,000 DECISION MAKERS WITHIN APPROXIMATELY 850 DIFFERENT EVENT MANAGEMENT AGENCIES: Whether your business is a hotel, venue, conference centre, training centre, destination, tourism bureau, event management software solution provider or you have any other MICE related facilities we can help you to source buyers, bookers, planners, organizers, agents and decision makers from event management agencies. We have been proud members of both the British Promotional Merchandise Association (BPMA) and the Meetings Industry Association (MIA) since 1993.


Target Response have telephoned and verified the details of approximately 1,000 contacts, bookers, buyers and agents within approximately 850 event management agencies – providing you with multiple contacts within the leading organisations. This data is supplied as a secure spreadsheet file that can easily be incorporated into your existing database. All the data has been checked with the telephone & mailing preference services and the following information is supplied:

  • Decision makers name and position
  • Agency name
  • Full postal address
  • Telephone number (if not on TPS)
  • Email address
  • Data subjects preferences

Price: £325.00 + VAT



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